terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2007

Satélites e novas tecnologias : O que vem por aí

O boletim da ESA (Agência Espacial Européia) publica no seu boletim artigo sobre os novos satélites de sensoriamento remoto, chamados de terceira geração que estão sendo desenvolvidos e deverão ser lançados nos próximos anos. O artigo em inglês no formato PDF pode ser baixado do link : http://www.esa.int/esapub/bulletin/bulletin131/bul131d_bensi.pdf
Abaixo retirei do artigo uma síntese sobre os novos satélites e sua provavel data de lançamento :

GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer), due for launch in early 2008, will provide high-resolution gravity data to improve the global and regional models of Earth’s gravity and ‘geoid’ (the shapeof a global ocean at rest used as a reference).

SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), due for launch in 2008, will globally map soil moisture and ocean salinity to improve the representation of land in global atmospheric circulation models and to characterise the role of the ocean in the climate system.
ADM-Aeolus (Atmospheric Dynamics Mission), due for launch in 2009, will make novel advances in global windprofile observations and provide global wind information that is crucial
to climate research and numerical weather prediction.

CryoSat-2, due for launch in 2009, will determine the rate of change of variations in the thickness and mass of polar marine ice and continental icesheets in response to climate changes.
CryoSat-2 replaces CryoSat, the first Explorer mission, which was lost at launch in 2005.

Swarm, due for launch in 2010, is a constellation of three satellites to survey the geomagnetic field and its evolution. It will provide new insights into the Earth System by improving
our understanding of the Sun’s influence and Earth’s interior.

EarthCARE (Earth Clouds and Radiation Explorer), due for launch in 2012, is a joint European-Japanese mission to measure cloud and aerosol properties to help understand their interactions with Earth’s radiative processes and climate-change predictions.

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